the story of a lady and a young woman

Miss ya

Filed under: Deep inside | Tags: | January 22nd, 2008

How are you, girls ?
Just sent each of you an email.
Miss ya !

– – –
The photo was taken October 2006 during the farewell party we made for Yanire, the one in white and Serge, her husband. It was a sudden news that they had to leave Mandalay for Colombo, Sri Lanka. Now she is back at home in Lima, Peru waiting for the next mission to Colombia. It was nice to hear your voice again last time. I am wandering, when are we going to meet again, Dear ?

While the other lady in blue is Jamaree, she is still in Mandalay. She took care of me really well when I had to undergo medical treatment for 1 week in Bangkok back in 2006. Dear darling Jamaree, write me more stories, will ya?

This quote is interesting and I fully agree:

Friends are relatives you make for yourself.
~ Eustache Deschamps