the story of a lady and a young woman

(Seri #44) : Photo Bercerita

Filed under: The story behind | Tags: | September 29th, 2006

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Judul : Time Flies

Malam ini baru dapat waktu untuk duduk manis dan mencoba satu per satu men-download kartu memory dari kamera setelah 17 hari liburan Bangkok – Bali. Salah satunya ada photo di bawah ini, diambil di hari pertama kami tiba di Bangkok dan bertemu dengan Tante Yvonne dan Misya, keponakan yang datang dari Bogor untuk liburan bersama di Bangkok.

Looking at the picture I am feeling old, and could feel how time flies like an arrow.

It was started earlier today : Tadi siang Syl membuat Banana Cake, sebagai peneman secangkir teh manis hangat untuk berbuka puasa. Pisang Ambonnya harus dihaluskan tentunya. Wangi khas pisang pun merebak. Wangi yang familiar sekali. Sambil menghaluskan pisang dengan garpu, mereka-reka kok wanginya mengingatkan akan satu moment yang melekat di ingatan.

Finally, I could capture that moment. It was when Cemara was 5 months old, she started to have solid food in my arms and had the pisang ambon as one of her first solid food. Ayaiyaiyayai….. time flies huh ? (Yes, I know. But, is it that fast?) Look at Cemara above (the 3rd from the left) – she has grown that fast and definetely is taller than me now.

Next to her is Misya, my niece. Her achievements made me proud too where she participated in Fencing, Piano Recital, Mathematic competitions. Misya’s mother is my closest cousin, we used to go jalan-jalan together like Cemara and Misya had recently when we were at their age. It was only yesterday that they were in diapers. For me they are still babies but they aren’t.

Just had my 36th birthday 2 weeks ago, I didn’t feel old.

But, looking at the picture above …. I do feel old.

And definetely time flies, as fast as fingers click.

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