the story of a lady and a young woman

(Seri #89) : The story behind

Filed under: The story behind | Tags: | June 25th, 2007

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Title : Hidden Treassures

A picture of lotus flowers, hidding in between palm and bamboo leaves – the background is the roof tent with the color of a sizzling sunshine of Hanoi, quite made a warm background, isn’t it ?.

I took the above pictures last Friday over the lunch at Quan An Ngon Restaurant . Thank you, Oji – for taking me there. You have added one more place to my hidden treassures list I keep on finding in Hanoi such as this Restaurant.

The first Quan An Ngon Resto was started in Ho Chi Minh City and the one in Hanoi seems to be as successful as the first one in the South. When me and Oji went there, the place was just packed from the entrace till the end. If you are in Hanoi, it is recommended to visit this Resto where you may try a wide varities of Vietnamese Food. They way how they display all the food is in little huts (gubuk style) kind of presentation.

For the Indonesians reside in Hanoi, should you crave for a nice yummy yummy! Es cendol with cincau hitam, go to this resto ! They have quite a similar one.

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